Last July 25, 2014, Friday, NHA Region 10 office post-celebrated Women's Day. Actually, March is Women's Month. We are suppose to celebrate Women's Month on March but unfortunately, due to some kind of delay and problems on funding, it is only now that we have finally celebrate it.
The female of employees of the office were all encouraged to join the Women's Day Celebration/ Seminar on Violence on Women and Children which will be held at Don Arc Resort, Initao, Misamis Oriental. Almost every female employee enlisted to join the said activity.
So on a fine Friday morning, we depart the city around 7:30 in the morning to Initao riding on our office's vehicles. In my group/car assignment, I am with Ma'am Grace, Ma'am Ann, Jen, Flora, Janeene, Ate Lovelle, Ly-an, and two (informal riders), Mitch and Ivy. We rode on an Innova and our driver was Sir Loylors.
On our way to Initao! :)
[L-R: Flora, Janeene, I, and Mitch]
P.S I hate how distracting my mini-clip on my head was! |
We are actually the first group to got there apart from Tatay and his gang who got there at the place earlier than the rest of us for they shall prepare the food.
The resort was rather small with few nipa cottages lining up the shoreline. Though small, the resort was clean and serene. Talisay trees are all over the place which make the resort a cooler place to stay. Plus the white sands--I love white sands! And of course, the beach--it's calm and clean and it's so refreshing to look at! I just might want to splash in but unfortunately I can't! I have my red days, if you know what I mean.
The Beach!! |
I wrote my name on the sand! |
I and the serene beach at my back! :) |
When the rest of the groups arrived, we started formally and we begin it of course with a prayer. And before we finally start the seminar, we have a getting-to-you-know kind of activity. Yes. Even though we know almost each other (we are only a small organization), some were still not familiar with some others. Then after the "state-your-name-status activity, we proceed to yet another getting-to-know-you activity. This time it's a game between two groups.
Getting to know you game! ^^ |
After that activity, we finally proceed to the seminar on Violence against Women and Children or simply known as VAWC. Our guest speaker for that seminar was a resource speaker from Gabriela, Ma'am Lalae (pronounced as "Lalay"). But then again, before she went on the seminar proper, we had a group activity. The group was divided into two (2). One is female group and the other is male group. My team is the male group. So the mechanics was to name ten (10) parts of a male (in my team's case) that didn't have on a female. Same mechanics goes the same with the other group. Moreover, we are asked to jot down ten (10) characteristics of a male (in my team's case).
Yun oh! :p |
When the two groups were finally done with the listing, each group presented. And then after that introductory activity, we moved on to a more serious discussion--VAWC. The seminar was rather serious than funny. Yes there were times that we laughed at some explicit discussion but it's not something you should laugh about.
What's the word girls? |
The men serving the food for women! |
Kainan na!
After the heavy discussion on VAWC, we proceeded with lunch! The seminar ended just in time for lunch! Our lunch was compose of sumptuous dishes, mainly seafood!
Then after our lunchtime, we had a short nap or what we call "power nap". We energy for the rest of the day. Soon after, we had a small seminar on Personal Hygiene presented by Ma'am Imee. And then after that was the games. Yey!
Color me blind! |
Hala bira! |
Coke drinking contest!
Color me blind WINNER |
[L-R: LY-AN, YAN2X, I, & MITHC] |