This week was just fine..not totally fine...not not-so-fine...just's just right down in the middle!!
The week was just fine except for receiving another one for my collection...T__T
disperas karon...fiesta na gyud ugma! Gubot gyud ang cdo ugma...haha...but i hope everything will be just fine tomorrow...i hope that i will still enjoy the fiesta and the no-class days despite the fact that in the following week we'll have quizzes and assignments...
Grabe kaayo ni nga semana..
pamaol to d max after the sportfest last Sunday...
-intriga to d max about sa games and winners sa sportfest...
-busy kaayo ang mga tao sa fb...
-basta..maka-lingaw bya...Lingaw kaau ng naai issue2x gamai arun pud naai spice ang kinabuhi..nyahaha...
Friday, August 27, 2010
feast week!!!
Posted by Giselle at 10:25 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The hell-week is over!!!
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my blockmates ever since!!! |
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huge pizza!!! |
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eeettt!!! |
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this is me.. |
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rex...paningkamot gyud! haha. |
Posted by Giselle at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 12, 2010
4 exams down!! So far, (I think) okay except for Tax in which I had a hard time solving.
Advanced Actg- OK nga murag ga duda ko. I hope I got it right.
Tax1- The true or false part was just OK, in the problem solving part--not OK. Maayo nalang, naa koi copy sa last year's exam. Kung wala pa to...jugsak na gyud ko!
Law1- OK ra pero taas kaayo. Dili man kaayo lisod ang question...confusing lang and murag dili pa gyud ko sure sa akong mga answer. Tricky baya usahay ang mga question.
Philo65- It was just OK except for the case analysis. I keep on asking myself: "Insakto ba kaha to akong moral dilemma and ethical problem? Insakto kaha akong moral choice?" -->> ethical problem!!!
Four more exams to go...Oh please, MT exams, please be kind to me. I really have to recover from my failing marks!! I have an exam in Math tomorrow and I still have not studied my lessons. Well, I say, "God bless me!". I didn't study for my exam yet because I studied first Finance. Taas jud kaayo ang Finance noh? Pero My God, for more than five hours, 1 module and a half pa akong nabasa!!Tabangi!!!
My main concern are the subjects cost, financial actg and finance...BAGSAK AKONG CLASS STANDING!!! Maka-recover pa kaha ko ani?
There's a saying:
"Failiure will not overtake me as long as my determination to succeed is strong enough!"
--taken from Law1's exam--
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That is right! Kaya lagi ni!! Ako pa! I always trust in myself and I always trust in the Lord. So? Why worry? Haha.
Chikka minute!
Just this evening, I had a talk with my friend. Over kaayo iyang mga reaction. Makakatawa man sad ta. I won't tell what is it all about basta chikka jud kaayo ming duha! That's all! Thank you!!!
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Posted by Giselle at 12:04 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 08, 2010
It's Sunday and tomorrow's "The Day!"
I'm counting the hours left...
it's really crunching time! I don't know what to do!
So many things to do yet so little time! Grrr!!!
TIME MANAGEMENT!!! I should learn how to manage all my time!!! coz it's really crunching time!!
Posted by Giselle at 8:15 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Please lang beh? o.O
Midterm week: August 9-14, 2010
My Monday na gyud!
Please lang beh?!! Gikapoy nako beh! Pero kaya lagi ni beh!!
Law of Attraction: be positive (+)
Dili ko gusto maghuna-huna nga mubagsak ko kay basin matinud-an. Basta, study hard and pray hard lang gyud. I'll do the best that I can. My best may not be best enough but I know in time, God will pay back all my hard works and labor.
Dear God,
Midterm week na gyud next week.
I hope and I pray that I will do better in all of my exams(esp cost,advance,fin.acc,finance,tax&law). Provide me with sufficient knowledge so that I may do better in my exams. Help me not to forget all the things that were discussed in class and the things that I studied at home. These I ask through your son Jesus Christ and through the intercession of Mama Mary. Amen.
Student's prayer here!
Another one here!
Posted by Giselle at 12:30 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 06, 2010
Wow! It's been weeks since my last post and I miss my blog so much! I always wanted to update you with the latest happenings of my life but unfortunately, I don't have the time to spare. Tsk.
The midterm is just next week! Can you imagine how fast time flies? Or was I just so occupied that I haven't noticed how time passes by me? Oh God! I don't know what to do, now that it's major after major exam! God...I need your divine provenance.
Kaya lagi ni oi. Ako pa? I trust in the Lord and I trust in myself. [We can do this Giz! Aja!]
Posted by Giselle at 3:57 AM 0 comments