Weee!!! The week-long midterm exam is over!! I'm glad that I get through with it. Haha. Though, the feeling of fear is still within my nerves. Am I ready to receive my grades with acceptance? Haha. I hope! I pray that my grades weren't that worst.
The last exam day was just last Saturday and the subject was Finance. Honestly speaking, I wasn't that prepared and I barely had the time to study everything. I even lost my second module, that was about Money. The night before, I went straight to bed and sleep after taking that two bloody exam in cost accounting and financial accounting..I don't even want to mention how bloody my exams in the two were. All I can say, "May God bless me!". I decided to go to sleep since my whole body is so tired, I feel so weak, and my head is aching. I don't even know how to describe that kind of pain---that unusual pain after taking those heart-breaking and bloody exam. That must be the effect of Friday the thirteenth's bad luck. Why? Of all the dates, why thirteen and why is thirteen fell on a friday?!! I really felt the friday the thirteenth's bad luck brings...waaahhh!! enough of cost and fin.acc... So...I went to sleep and woke up at 1AM... I'm still sleepy by then but I forced myself to get up...open my notes and read...I forced myself to read and understand every lines of more than pages paragraphs of theories but unfortunately...I can't understand...my mind doesn't work...my body is still asleep...and so, I went back to bed...To make the story short, I studied seriously around 3AM...the result is cramming!!!
I went to school around seven-thirty in the morning. My classmate called me and said that we should meet at school by seven-thirty at the Pavilion. That's good...so I can still read the theories about money. When i got to school, I was surprised to see some other classmates there at the Pavilion but it's good...so that I can ask them questions about the things that were still unclear to me. I did a last minute review on Money and scan through the pages on theories and also on computations...so that was it!
Our exam started by nine in the morning. I thought that Sir Jet will be our proctor but I think he's not around that is why our finance teacher was the one who proctor our class. The exam was just okay. Honestly, it wasn't that hard compared to the last two exams. I'm so happy in the theory part because I knew the answers mostly.. and the multiple choice part...it was 'nakakalito'. And the problem-solving part, it was just okay except that there are some that are tricky.
Overall, it was just okay. Para sa ako, ok raman gyud bai!! Pero danghag lang gyud ko mao ng dili gyapon insakto akong answers. Haha. Pero, naa sab koi insakto na answer oi. Grabe pud ng wala. Haha.
After the exam...the best part!! Hang-out with friends..It's time to break free from a bloody week of exams...it's time to relax and enjoy..I hanged out with my friends Kristine Dacs, Jude, Mitch, Kris-tayn, Kharl, Rexter, Ray, Jess, and Jonalyn. We hang out at Lim Ketkai and eat snacks sponsored by Mitch at BFB after. Grabe, busog kaayo ko!! I mean, busog kaayo mi!!!After hanging-out, Mitch and I went straight to mass at Xavier University. The school celebrated the Vespers or the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
my blockmates ever since!!! | | | | | |
huge pizza!!! |
eeettt!!! |
this is me.. |
rex...paningkamot gyud! haha. |