How could I say I love you
when in fact you don't care
about me
How could I say I love you
when you're looking the other way
I tried to reach out to you
and read between the lines
but still I can't read what's
on your mind
while deep inside I'm hurt
and I always found myself
how could i say i love you?
you're the reason why i'm acting this way
won't you just try to sit
down and listen to what I'm trying to say...
[to somebody who's acting so dumb!]
You fool reading this kind of message.
This is nothing but a piece of crap!
This is nonsense, you fool!
thank you for reading such a nonsense message.
+++nailad mOng tanan. haha. himo2x lang kay wala koy lingaw. Unya pa ang klase...buot ka?!! aynag palag!+++
Monday, November 17, 2008
How could I say I love You?
Posted by Giselle at 1:02 PM 0 comments
It's school time again. It's a long week ahead--a week full of work and struggle. I've been so buys with a lot of school stuffs like assignments and group presentation.
I'm not doing good in accounting, my last two quizzes was failed. Haha. I hope I can reach the passing mark.
I'm just bored and I have nothing much to say. We'll be having a practice in 15 minutes for our folk dance presentation. Hope we can make it. Hope we will pass.
Have a nice day.
Posted by Giselle at 12:33 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
I'm Back on the Track
It's been awhile since I last wrote anything in this page.
Today's Saturday and we had our NSTP class but we didn't go to our area which is Tablon. I'm so happy we didn't go there. I'm tired. I feel sick. I think I got a flu last night (fever and colds). Last day's weather was bad. It's raining hard and I don't have an umbrella. I feel so cold. (Grrrrr!!!)
We'll have our practice later on for our presentation in PE and English 34.1 (World Lit.).
Guess what?
I survived the first semester of my first year in college. Haha. I passed in Accounting 1 & 2. Hehe.
And we're having now Accounting 3 (Partnership and Corporation). I'm quite having a hard time understanding everything but I just hope that everything will be fine.
I will survive until my last breath...until my last stand. Aja aja fighting!
Posted by Giselle at 12:10 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 04, 2008
new words...
I learned today from Karl two new words:
1) girlberto - word used for boy - boy admiration
2) boyjorj - word used for girl - girl admiration
these words originally came from the Cru people...and Karl is one of them
These sounds weird but chuy xa!!!!
Posted by Giselle at 3:44 PM 0 comments
Junior Poem
I got this poem from my old blog and I'm the one who wrote it. ^_^
Posted by Giselle at 3:36 PM 0 comments
It's Over...finally!
The final examination in Accounting is finally, over!!!
Thank God, it wasn't really tough as I thought it would be. I am confident with my answers because mine is same as my classmates' answers. I was really able to finish before it was tim. ^_^ I feel so happy!!!
During the history 10 exam...
It's the exact opposite of's not as easy as I thought. I thought there will be no enumeration. I thought it would only be multiple choice because that was Sir told us. =(
I just really hope that I didn't fail in both of my exams today and to any of the subject.
I have trust in God and I have trust in myself! =)
Posted by Giselle at 3:17 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
new template
I changed my blogger template and I like it very's so pink and girly...but above all, it's Godly. Hehe.
exam na gyud sa saturday....major pa gyud! waaaahhhhhh!!!!!!
good luck Giz!!!!
Posted by Giselle at 8:50 PM 0 comments
I love Wednesday aside from the fact that it's a half-class day and wash day. I love wednesday simply because it's the middle day the week...and it's special for me. According to my horoscope. Wednesday is my special day. I don't know what makes it special but good things do happen on wednesdays but not all the time. And take not, I really don't believe in horoscope. I only have faith in my God, Jesus Christ.
And by the way, our Moslem brothers and sisters celebrated today the idl-fitr or the end of Ramadan. So, today is a national class day but we have a make-up class in english....
we finish our culminating activy and we wrote three more compositions...checking on SRA book....
tutorial in accounting...i dont want to go there because i want to prove to myself that I can pass on my own but my mom want me to
attend the mass at xu chapel
last apostolate for the sem in CA
Posted by Giselle at 8:14 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
No class in English and Filipino...yeheey!
This could be my last post for the week coz this week is the Finals week...
Au revoir!
Posted by Giselle at 10:01 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Moments of my Summer
Goody-goody times at the seaside...
L-R: Auntie Amay, Rex, Cliff, Ken, Dad, Chieng-chieng, Marie, and Mirasol
L-R:Me, Nanay Lucia, Mirasol, Rex, Marie, and Clifford
Sto. Nino Parish Church, Valencia, Bohol, Philippines
Last Night at Canduao with my cousins!!!
Wohooh!!! This picture was taken when there was an event for the youth at the basketball court.
The seaside at my Granny's home. Actually, their backyard is the beach. Love it there. Good food, clean air, good life.
Me and my cousin took a bangka ride before we leave for CDO. It's really hot that time that we got sun-burned. The people/bangkeros were so kind and hospitable. They gave us a free ride.
Docking at the sand...
Me and the rest of my cousins.....
Mall-Mall-Mall!!! I tried with their Dance Revo there. Their's is different from the version in SM CDO. I love this game and I'm hooked up. But that was back when I was in high school. Hehehe.
Lunch time at the ICM Food court my cousin, aunties, unles, and my dad!!
Tsk! Sayop!!!
Me and my cousin again....
Me and my cousin and the over pass of the mall...
Hey, it's me! I don't know what goes on my mind that I suddenly post my picture here. Hehe. Well, this picture was taken last May this year. I was on the ship that time going to Bohol. I know it's late to talk about vacation but I just want to reminsice the time when I was there.
Right: That's me and my cousin on our first night in Bohol. Actually, it's not really our firs-ever night stay because we have our vacation there yearly.
We went to the basketbolan that night to attend the bayle. Not that we want to join it but we just grant the request of our folks. Probinsya talaga ang dating noh? Kasi may bayle pa sa kanila...hehe. I knew that bayle doesn't exist these days but this is quite a good experience for me.Left: Picture taken infront of Island City Mall(ICM), Tagbilaran city, Bohol
"Isn't it a good pose?" Hehe.
Right: Picture taken at Bo's Coffee Club, ICM, Tagbilaran city, Bohol, Philippines
Posted by Giselle at 1:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: summer
I thought that yesterday will be my last visit here in my blog and for the following days. See? You will never really what will happen. Life is full of circumstances. Life full of surprises and trials too.
This is the last day of my NSTP class for this semester. We only had a classroom session, of course.
We were dismissed early by our SV. Thank God. and now I'm online again but I'm super hungry. I didn't have my breakfast this morning, I only ate bread and a glass of milk. That's not a good breakfast for me. I need a lot of energy to jumpstart my day. ANd now I feel so hungry, tired, and sleepy. It's cold here in the room and I think this is the best time to sleep. Hehe.
Actually, I'm doing a research for the individual project in history. That's the main reason why I'm here.
And I don't know what else to blog is just my main outlet. It's like my best-friend online wherein i can write anything here...I can express my thoughts and feelings and share it to other online users.
I hope I can spread the word: Love, Faith, and Hope. That's what all we need in able to find true happiness in this world! Haha.
Posted by Giselle at 12:40 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
Everyday, we strive to make things better, to have good future... we all wanted to reach our goals in life...we all wanted to have a beautiful life...we all wanted to be happy.Yes, we can achieve all these but we need to have sacrifices, we need to take risk, we need to face challenges. The road maybe tough and bumpy...but we know that there will be a smooth ride, a smooth road. In this journey of life, just stay right. Right???
And so I'm still grateful despite of all the bad things...not really bad things but I consider these things as natural part of life. Bad things happen, good things happen. Right?
Everytime I have a problem, I always think that it will only come to pass. I don't take it deeply but I consider it as a challenge for myself. I love challenges! Hehe. And it feels so great after I surpass that challenge. ^_^
And I am so much grateful for the good things. God have been so good to me, all the time, and I owe him a lot more than I could give.
for the past few days, I've been writing anything about my life and the things I go through these days.
Hehe. It's just because it's all that I can think of. Maybe that's the reason why I have nothing much to say...You know how deeply I am affected with the current status of my garde in my major subject. I don't want to mention the subject because it will only let me think of the worse..
This is so much giz. So much!
See yah again...when's again? don't know. Maybe after finals.
Posted by Giselle at 9:54 AM 0 comments
So it's pretty nice this morning...I got perfect in our exercise in English...submitted my five compositions in Filipino...completed my signing of clearance...later on we'll have some review for our final exam in history, and our final practicum about rythmic gymnastics in PE. Honestly speaking, I feel bad about our group because we didn't have a formal practice. This is finals and our final grade greatly depends our performance today. Oh well, let's forget about it. I just hope everything's fine todaY...
[never gonna know, never goNna know]
I don't know what else to saY...I want to write something interesting but I'm not in the perfect mood of writing. I have nothing much to say than "God it's Friday!"
And next week will be a heavy week for all of us here in Xavier. Next week's the final exam and I just really hope that I can go through the "calvary" of being a student. I just wish to pass...hehehe.
==A single glimpse of *** will ease my day despite of everything. =)
Posted by Giselle at 9:43 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I finally figure it out!!!
After ten years...I finally figure it out!
This is the day that I first-ever solve a Rubik's cube. I'm so happy. Almost all my friends and classmates knew already how to solve it and I knew I was already left behind. And now, I was able to solve the cube for the very first time. Hehe. I just want to share my happiness. You know, it's not always that I'm happy. I'm still under depression. Is this the year of depression? Well, to me it is.
Fun, fun, fun, under the sun. But it's not hot in here. It's cold and I'm freezing here actUaLLy.
I don't want to talk of anything except this. You know, don't want to mention things that didn't make me glad or grateful. I don't want to get over the cheesy stuffs.
OMG! I'm so hungry. I haven't had my lunch yet. My stomache is empty...I need food! But what I really need is food for the mind, heart, and soul!
See yah.
Posted by Giselle at 12:46 PM 0 comments
Sweet Quotes from my Sweet thoughts
Hailey had the best of everything-- good family, scholarship to college, editor-in-chief in the school publication, cheerleader, got a bunch of socialite friends and, a perfect boyfriend!
Oliver, on the other side, had the exact opposite of Hailey. He grew up with a single-parent. He's not so interested about school. If his mom didn't push him to college, he would be definetly not in schooL....
Hailey: Oliver, why are you doing this to me?
Oliver: Because I want you completely out of my life!
Hailey: But why?? why do you have to do that?
Oliver: Look Hailey, you got a perfect life! you had a good family, you got friends, you're a scholar, and you got Jake! While me, I have nothing! You kow how miserable my life is! Now, I don't want your life to be miserable as mine.
Hailey: The hell I care! I don't care Oliver, I really don't.
Oliver: So what do you care about Hailey?
Hailey: I care about you...
Oliver: why?
Hailey: Because--because I love you Oliver.
Oliver: You can't love me Hailey.
Hailey: Who says I can't?
Oliver: No...please don't. You got Jake. Look, he's the perfect guy for you.
Hailey: No, I don't need him. We just broke up yesterday.
Oliver: He did?
Hailey: No. I did.
Oliver: for what kind of reason?
Hailey: I did it because of you. I realized that he's not the one I truly care about. It's you Olie. It's you! I just hope that you feel the same way too. Just tell me Olie, if you love me.
Oliver: ...
Hailey: What? Just tell me...
Oliver: No-- I don't.
Hailey: That's---that's not true! You're lying, aren't you?! You're--
Oliver: Stop! Look, if that's what you feel about me, fine! But I don't feel the same way like you do, So don't dictate me.
Hailey: I can feel it're lying to me. (starts to cry)
Oliver: Good-bye Hailey...
Hailey: Olie,..please...don't go!!!
Oliver: Sorry, but I have to do this.
LIFe FuLL of CircumStaNCes
Posted by Giselle at 11:49 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
A Life full of circumstances
I'm kind of down and depressed lately. You know? What can you say if you're constantly getting a failure mark in your test of your major subject? Isn't is depressing even to the fact that you're trying your best? Everytime I got a failure, one sentence of a song lyrics came into my mind: 'I did my best but I think my best wasn't good enough...' And it reminds me of my english teacher back when I was still in third year high school. She told us that sometimes, good fate is not always on your side. Sometimes, it's the other way around. Yeah right! I always think that there's a purpose and a reason why I encounter such trials in my life. You know, this just a trial. It's not like it's going to kill me or whatever. There are still chances and oppurtunities, and options too. All I need is faith, and hope. This is a life full of circumstances. But you can't be sure what kind of circumstance it is.
Am I talking too much about senseless things?
Yes, I am always talking about these things. Haha. Whatever.
Walay mu palag!!! Palag mo???
in just about an hour, I got a long test in RS15...and for Heaven's sake, I haven't studied everything...
damn it!!!!
Love you guys and gaLs!
Posted by Giselle at 9:22 AM 0 comments
QuesTion and AnSwer PorTion
1. At what age do/did you wish to marry?
25 Plus (is't possible to happen?)
2. What color do you like most?
3. If you can have a superpower, what would it be?
Read someone else's thoughts
4. If you can travel anywhere in the world, where would you want to go?
Paris, Korea, exotic place!
5. Which part of you that you hate the most?
6. When you get sad, what do you do?
listen to the music
7. What are you afraid to lose the most?
My family
8. If you win $1 million, what would you do with the money?
Buy an Isuzu Sportivo and rennovate our house!!!
9. What do you love the most last year (2007)?
bonding with family and friends
10. How did you get your name?
combination of parents' name
11. What is the moment you regret most?-
no regrets
2. What type of person do you hate the most?
social claimer, rude
13. What is your greatest asset?
14. If you had one wish, what would you wish for?
15. How did you celebrate the New Year?
Stay at home with my family. Eat a lot. We had fireworks. Pray and thank God for all the blessings we received during the year 2007.
16. Name the one body part your hubby or boyfriend tells you he adores.
17. It's 2008. What are you looking forward to this year?
Good things/hapennings
18. Anything in your life that you wish weren't so awful?
19. What's the shallowest thing you intend to do this year?
go to Manila
20. Where will you be 10 years from now?
got this question from a blogger...
Posted by Giselle at 9:04 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008
Walay Klase!!!!
Magbinisaya sa ko karon...Bisdak bitaw 'proud' ko na bisaya ko....hehehehe
Karong adlawa, wala mi klase kay para kunuhay mag-suporta mi sa among 'team'. GO SBM!!!
Malipayon kaayo ko kay wala mi klase...atleast makapahuway mi....grabe bya kaayo ka kapoy ang semana nako lang!...basta lagi mga Accountancy students...kapoy jud. Bahalag kapoy basta enjoy japun...hehehe
Ni-agto ko sa skuL namo karon..wala lang, tan-aw lang ko ug dula...boring man gud magpuyo ra sa balay...dili man ko laagan pero naglaag jud ko karon...
Lipay na unta ko kay makagawas ko pero wala ko'y kauban....ako ra jud isa...loner kaayo ko...huhuhu....may gani ni abot si Kaloi...lipay na unta ko kay naa na ko'y kauban pero iya ra gihapon ko gibiyaan....walang hiya.
May gani nag-txt akong cousin...nagkita dayon mi tapos nag-uban mi sa nagkita pa jud mi sa kong isa ka cousin...chikka dayon...kaon....nag ice cream ko!!! yeheey! I love ice cream....=)
Suroy2x dayon sa skUL....unya nag bulag na dayon mi...
Mao lang sa na akong chika sa pagka karon....
Posted by Giselle at 6:20 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 13, 2008
So How's Life?
Yesterday was my seventeenth birthday. I celebrated my birthday with just my friends and few classmates. It was not much more celebrated. Rahther, it was more of a casual day. Hey yah!!! I'm not so happy yesterday but still I'm grateful because I am given another chance to live in this world!!!
So far, how's ife? How's the seventeen years of existence?
Well, I can say that it's more of a roller coaster ride.
It's been duLL...and then colorfuL...emPty..and then FuLL!! haha. =)
I've been through ups and and sorrow...glory and defeats...
Honestly, I never knew my purpose...but I knew my goals in life
I want to graduate in college, hopefully in my chosen course which is BS Accountancy
work in a bank...earn good salry...have a good house,,,,famiLy....successful in life....i want to be a wriTer...
ehehe, honestLy i Want to become a WRITER....(maypag nag-journalism ka geng. Unsaon, wala'y journalism sa Xavier)
basTah, mu pasar lang jud sa accounting, paytz nah!!!
Posted by Giselle at 3:29 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
It's been a long time since I last wrote anything in this blog. For the past few weeks, I've been so busy doing a lot of things especially school works! My schedule is preoccupied and I just use my free time as relaxing time. Yeah... And I miss writing blog!
Time runs so quickly that before I realized it, it's already September. -Ber month they say. Christmas is already near and the tense thing is: Finals is fast approaching. Imagine that? It's still like yesterday when you get know your new friends and teachers, and now the first semester is going to its end. Hmp!
And speaking of September, my birthday is fast approaching too! Yeheey! And I'll be turning seventeen on the 12th of September. I want on my birthday is a brand new cellphone with MP3. But the most important thing is that everyone close to me will greet me and that God will pour me His blessings and good health to me and to my family and that I will survive accountancy. That are simple wishes yet very meaningful to me.
Want to talk about college life?'s getting tougher each day. It's like climbing on a very steep mountain. College life is more than a struggle; it's a Battle for SURVIVAL. So better armor yourself and be ready with your weapons. What I mean about weapons are your pens, papers, books, etc! And study, study, study! That's what higher levels advice me...
I don't know if I can still survive but I'm hoping I will...or may I say, I will!
English class-- writing
Filipino class-- reporting
History-- discussing
Lunch at the canteen-- eating and drinking
Internet shop in school-- surfing the net!
Later on-- Interviewing
Home- maybe praying, eating, studying, sleeping, and then cramming! =)
Until next tym...
no more fifs!
it's getting better not to think about fifs again
Posted by Giselle at 12:53 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
What Giselle Means
What Giselle Means |
You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone. Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs. You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong. You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know. You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do. You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone. You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together. At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together. You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow. You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily. Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is. |
Posted by Giselle at 1:48 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Mid-term Week is Over!
After days of studying and several sleepless nights, mid-term week has finally come to end. It means, I can now relax myself! Hehe. But that doesn't keep me from worrying. I am not so sure about my results in the exam especially in my accounting. It's quite challenging...Hmp! =(
I just hope that I don't have a failure mark in any of my exams especially in major....
relax...relax ka lang...
Posted by Giselle at 11:36 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
In Speaking of Names...
By Sarah, Staff Editor
With many readers expressing their opinions on Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's choices of Knox LĂ©on and Vivienne Marcheline for their new fraternal twins, we spoke to Linda Rosenkrantz, co-author of The Baby Name Bible: The Ultimate Guide By America's Baby-Naming Experts, about using family monikers and establishing naming traditions.
Angelina Jolie has defied expectations once again. Instead of having two girls named Isla Marcheline and Amelie Jane as per projected rumors, she had mixed pair Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline, and opted to look back at her and Brad Pitt's family trees for inspiration.
With Knox -- a rarely used Scottish/English/Irish surname and the middle name of Brad's grandfather, Hal Knox Hillhouse, the Jolie-Pitts established their own tradition -- instead of their sons bearing the same first initial, they share a final letter "x," and for their middle names, "n." And like Maddox, Knox is a strong name that has a good chance of being adopted by other parents.
LĂ©on also has family connections, being the name of Angelina's great-great grandfather. It's also possible (though a stretch) that the name reflects his mother's charitable work, as one of the places she traveled to as Goodwill Ambassador to the UN was Sierra Leone.
Vivienne, the French form of Vivian, reflects her place of birth -- something her parents like to do -- and its meaning, "life, alive" resonates in the uplifting way that her brother Pax's name projects an image of peace. It wouldn't be too surprising to learn that this name was chosen to honor a family member or friend as well.
Marcheline is the French-sounding name of Angelina Jolie's late mother, with whom she was very close, and whose heritage was French-Canadian and Native American. An actress, she was born Marcia Lynne, which she seems to have transformed into a distinctive version of the French 'Marcelline.'
Posted by Giselle at 2:40 PM 0 comments
Second Day of Examination!
Love Ko 'To
Posted by Giselle at 2:40 PM 0 comments
My Composition No.1 -- There's Something
Posted by Giselle at 2:40 PM 0 comments
Bea Alonzo Hailed as the Number One Drama Princess!!!

Author: Rachelle Siazon
Indeed, Bea had barely started taping her upcoming series I Love Betty La Fea but it seems like her fans can hardly wait to see her back on TV as reflected on their overwhelming response in’s survey. In return to her admirers’ loyal support, the talented young actress is doing her best to deliver well in her first venture into a drama-comedy soap. "Sobrang pressured ako but at the same time tini-turn ko siya into excitement. Challenge siya for me kasi first time ko mag-cocomedy. It’s not easy kasi mga kasama ko mga beterano like Ms. Ai Ai (delas Alas). Siyempre ayaw mo magpahuli ‘di ba? Ayaw mo maging cause ng cut ng every take," shared Bea during her recent contract-signing for the said show.
Watch out for more exciting polls and the awarding of Bea Alonzo’s crown for being the number one Drama Princess here on
For me, She is still the NUMBERONE!
Posted by Giselle at 2:40 PM 1 comments
Look Who's Back!!!
Bea Alonzo loves her "Betty-ful" Transformation
by Rachelle Siazon
A lot of work was required for Bea to achieve the perfect "ugly" look as Betty. She had to wear fake bangs, her eyebrows were "thickened" using stencils from false eyelashes, and her hair was turned into a long curly dried-out mess. Bea even wore fake braces that were specially designed to fit comfortably and to help her speak easily.
The young actress never had any qualms about going through her reverse makeover. In fact, Bea is willing to do more to give justice to the well-loved character. "Binibigay ko na lahat sa workshop. Every night pinapanood ko yung Colombian Betty La Fea at 4 am na ako nakakatulog kasi talagang na-hook ako sa story at sa character," she says.
She hopes that viewers will also see the lovable attributes in her character that she found in Betty. "Gusto ko kay Betty yung pagiging secure niya sa sarili niya. May confidence siya in the way she carries herself despite how she looks. Alam niya yung mga gifts sa kanya ni Lord, the talent and intelligence na hindi lahat ng tao meron."
Bea also has praises for her co-stars in I Love Betty La Fea, most of whom she will be working with for the very first time. She commends their professionalism and she couldn’t be more flattered than to be surrounded by a star-studded cast.
Check out for more exclusive stories, photos, and videos of I Love Betty La Fea.
Posted by Giselle at 2:40 PM 0 comments
Carnival Ride
Last Saturday, after our make-up class in accounting, my circle of friends-- Ray, Rexter, Kayrel, Mitchell, Karl, and I went to the carnival just located near XU.
We played the color game althought it's a gamble...
We odeon the caterpillar ride by pair: Ray & Kayrel, Mitch & Rexter, Karl & was really fun. It's like being a child again in that moment. It's been a very long time when I last rode on a carnival ride like this. It was way back when I was still a child. It was on the feast day of San Vicente Ferrer at Suarez, Iligan. I rode on a caterpillar with Mama, my brother Ken, and my cousin, Ate Nabing...
I really felt excited when I rode again on the caterpillar for the second time around.
Then after that, we rode on a horror train...It wasn't really scary but it was really fun with a lot of screaming, shouting, and laughing. The horror train have three rounds in going through the so-called dark tunnel.
Then we played again the color one peso became five! High five!
And we played the 'shooting gun'...basta!!!
Afterwards, we went to the Night Cafe and look for some things...ust window shopping.
I wanted to buy a bag but I am still next time nalang. Anyways, hindi naman tatakbo ang night cafe. Hehe.
Basta I had so much fun that day aside from the fact that Sir Bacadon gave us bonus points to pull out our grades.
Posted by Giselle at 2:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: carnival
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Kaleidoscope by Danielle Steel
Lately, I've read a book entitled 'Kaleidoscope' by Danielle Steel. It's a fiction, of course. It's about a stage actor who was once a soldier who fell in-love with a Frenchwoman named Solange when he was in France. Their love bear fruit to three wonderful daughters namely Hilary, Alexandra, and Megan Walkers.
Eventually and unfortunately, their love ended to a tragedy that changed their daughter's lives.
Alexandra and Megan were adopted by a prominent and descent families. Alexandra, for instance, live in a luxurious life.
While her sisters live in a wonder life, Hilary on the other hand experienced the other way of life. Hers was a life full of misery, dreary, and pains. It was like all the pains on the earth were filled on her. It was living in hell while still on earth. It was a total Hades!
After experiencing such pain and misery, with Hilary's persistent determination, she was able to free herself from all those kind of experience which caused her having a dark past.
She left her dark past behind; a past that she will no longer face again. She is ready to face a new world; hoping that she will find her sisters, Alexandra and Megan, and reunite with them.
To be continued...
Actually I am not yet finish reading. Haha. I just want to share the first past. It was a poignant story. It really made me cry especially in the part of Hilary's life.
Posted by Giselle at 1:45 PM 0 comments
Still Lucky...I feel so blessed!
I've been having a hard time in coping up with my major subject. I always had the urge and determination of passing it but it turned to a failure (but not all). Failure; such a lonely and dreadful word! A challenging subject plus a terror teacher is equal to a total nosebleed. I've been using the term 'nosebleed' ever since I started college. They always use it to describe a crucial condition especially in our department where our condition/situation is always crucial.
The result of my latest quiz was a failure. before I receive it, I already had in my mind that it's failed yet I still hope that it pass. My heart broke out like a glass broken into million pieces when I saw my very low score. I felt so hopeless and 'twas like the end of my career...I really thought that I am already out of the passing list but when sir announced the passers, I was really surprised when I heard my name. I still pass in the passing list? I am supposedly out since the last test and I still passed now that I failed again? How come? I never mind to ask myself further...I just want to feel the moment of total bliss...the moment of reality! Haha. =)
I am still lucky. I feel so blessed! After having such low grades, I still passed. I think I deserve it. I am always so determined to pass and not just pass but to excel. I felt that God never leave me and I know He never will. And as the song goes "God will make a way where there seems to be no way. He works in ways, we cannot see, He will make a way for me". I believe in the saying that goes "Nasa Diyos ang awa, nasa tao ang gawa."
Prayer plus labor is equal to success!
Posted by Giselle at 1:20 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
Mood: My mood is just usual but I feel terribly cold! Yes, it's so cold here in the internet room of XU...I'm freezing!!!
Weather: It just rain.
I feel nervous for the result of our recent test in accounting. I knew I'll fail in that but hopefully I will not because if ever I fail in that, I will be not in the list anymore. Meaning, I will not be one of those who pass.
I just want to feel a little spark in my heart.
Posted by Giselle at 3:40 PM 0 comments
Have a Break...(have a Kit-Kat)
For the past few days
there have been things
I wish to do but I haven't done
it's due to my hectic schedule
everybody seems to be so busy
there's a work especially in school
and I'm so glad that we didn't
have a class last Thursday and Friday
and we had a SBM black party last
Atlast, I have given myself a break
Free from worries and problems
I didn't think of my problems
especially which deals with my studies
I just eat,sleep, and watch TV
I felt it was summer
I miss summer
especially the beach
you know i really love the beach,
and the sand too...
I enjoyed the two class holiday...
i know it's not enough to
give a satisfying break
but at least it freed me
from any school problems
we had an assignment but I didn't think
of it as for the moment
all I want is to enjoy
'cause I know that when
classes is on again
we'll be bombarded with lots,
and lots of school work
especially that midterm is
only a week away.
and i know it's gonna be
a crunching time.
So good luck to me
and to my blockmates...
and to all students
Have a Break. Have a Kit-Kat.
Uhm, I didn't ate chocolate.
it's been like years since I last tasted Kit-Kat.
so good...but not quite...
Posted by Giselle at 2:59 PM 0 comments

For the past few weeks, I've been listenning to the music of Abba. I really love their music. I love classic hits. Since ASAP introduced/promoted the movie, Mama-Mia!, I began to sing their songs. Mama-Mia is a movie not about Abba but rather a musical, comedy, and romantic movie with the songs of Abba. I think two of the lead male performers of the band, Bjorn and Benny, produced the movie. There's a revival of the song Mama Mia and I really love to heart every time the FM station plays it on the radio. Well actually, I love the group ever since before. We even had a dance number of Mama when I was still in grade three. Some of my favorite songs were Mama Mia, Dancing Queen, Chiquitita, Take a Chance on Me, and Thank you for the music. To give you a bit of information of the group, Abba was one of the most successful bands i the 1970's. The band was first noted with their winning piece, "Waterloo", in the Eurovision Singing contest. They originated in Sweden(yes, they're Swede). The band was formed in the year 1973 with its two lead females siongers, Agnetha Faltskog and Anna-Frid Lyngstad, and two lead male composers-performers, Bjorn Ulvaeus and Benny Andersson. Abba disbanded in 1981 and there was a series of revival of their songs. Though there were some revivals, I will still stick with the original because I really, really love the voice of the two lead female singers especially Agnetha.
Lately, I bough a DVD in Divisoria entitled 'Abba in Concert' and I've been watching and listenning to it over and over again! I really love it and it's worth the money. I'm grateful that there's a bad formed Abba. I really love their kind of music--pop yet harmonic.
So I say thank you for their music, the songs I'm singing, thanks for all the joy they're bringing. Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty, what would life be without a song or a dance what are we? o I say thank you for the music for giving it to me.

Posted by Giselle at 2:07 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Exam in RS
We will have our RS exam later on and here I am, surfing the net. I studied last night but I don't know if I absorb what I read.
Hope I can still get it right.
Posted by Giselle at 8:48 AM 0 comments
Joy of Reading
One of my favourite past-time hobbies is reading. I love to read a lot; be it novel, fictions, magazines, articles or newspaper. I find reading very enjoyable and not just it gives joy but it also gives me a lot of benefits.
here are some of the benefits:
Through reading i can access to a wider knowledge.
It enhances my vocabulary skills.
It motivates and inspires me in the light of what I've read.
It allows me to experience almost all kind of experience; comedy, thrill, excitement, love, humor, etc!
It enables me to reflect after every reading session.
It stimulates my mind.
It gives me information and ideas from different authors.
It enhances my speed and or reading skills.
I find reading so relaxing! Really. When I read, I just sit down, concentrate, and relax!
It eases or relieves my stressful days.
When I read, it keeps me from thinking of all the worries.
It gives me social awareness and updates me in the lates events/hapennings.
I learn everytime I read.
It lets me give my opinion.
I love to read different kind of books but I prefer reading history and classic novel books. However, I haven't read any these days. I'm so busy with lot of school works and I don't have time to read anymore(except lessons). Though, I'm still trying to give time to read for myself. Haha.
i suggest that you should read because reading has many great benefits. The benefits I mention above may be just some of the benefits that reading can give.
-giseLLe(bookie side of me)
Posted by Giselle at 8:14 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Half! Half!
Posted by Giselle at 5:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: accounting
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Music by ~Kickininmydickies on deviantART
Music by *Kyoko-Taide on deviantART
mUsic by ~sQueez on deviantART
The Music Machine by ~hit-squad on deviantART
Posted by Giselle at 5:36 PM 0 comments
a new venture
As you can see before, my blog was as lousy and plain as a piece of paper full scribbles. Yeah right. I want to put some color on it. So I tried to experiment. It works! Hehe. =) I love my blog... I often visit my blog than my multiply.
Posted by Giselle at 5:24 PM 0 comments
Posted by Giselle at 9:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Never Give Up
Posted by Giselle at 4:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: college life
ABBA Mama Mia!
I really love this song! It's a classic song yet it's so lively! I think this is revived because of the movie Mama Mia.
I've been cheated by you since I don't know when
So I made up my mind, it must come to an end
Look at me now, will I ever learn?
I don't know how but I suddenly lose control
There's a fire within my soul
Just one look and I can hear a bell ring
One more look and I forget everything
Mamma mia,
here I go again
My my
, how can I resist you?
Mamma mia,
does it show again?
My my,
just how much I've missed you
Yes, I've been brokenhearted
Blue since the day we parted
Why, why did I ever let you go?
Mamma mia, now I really know,
My my, I could never let you go.
I've been angry and sad about things that you do
I can't count all the times that I've told you we're through
And when you go,
when you slam the door
I think you know that you won't be away too long
You know that I'm not that strong
Just one look and I can hear a bell ring
One more look and I forget everything,
Mamma mia,
here I go again
My my,
how can I resist you?
Mamma mia,
does it show again?
My my,
just how much I've missed you
Yes, I've been brokenhearted
Blue since the day we parted
Why, why did I ever let you go?
Mamma mia, now I really know
My my, I could never let you go.
Mamma mia,
here I go again
My my,
how can I resist you?
Mamma mia,
does it show again?
My my,
just how much I've missed you
Yes, I've been brokenhearted
Blue since the day we parted
Why, why
did I ever let you go
Mamma mia, now I really know
My my, I could
Posted by Giselle at 4:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: song
Sunday, June 29, 2008
words...unspoken! yet written =p
nothing beat us now just one step
let me say to you the words to say
'coz you're the one I want
I keep seeking for fortune or fame
but i really seek out your name
I can't just resist
it's burnin inside
this feeling flows
down to my veins
this feeling I just can't explain
it's eerie; it's unusual to the usual
i dont know what this feeling is
but i'm quite sure you're part of this
I keep on seeking to the answer
that never been told before
to the question: what's this feeling for?
Couldn't seem to understand
neither I can withstand
but i can't just deny
this feeling made me fly
and there's no more lie
that lies beyond truth
I keep on seeking,
I never even know
that the answer is there
it's always there
It's placed inside in the heart of mine
the feeling's in my heart but the will's in my mind
I'm not quite sure, where this feeling ends.
Where's the answer to this question?
It's already there
and always been there
it's placed inside the heart of mine.
I now see and it's already clear to me
that whatever or however my heart feels
it's never been the same
It's a feeling that's eerie and full of mystery
but whateve r it is, it's just one of a kind.
How can I be so nothing?
When I love you so much than my self?
Isn't there such a place in your heart?
That I could see myself?
How can I be so nothing in your place,
Is this all a sudden disgrace?
How can you love me and then leave me suddenly?
How dare you do it to me!
You're so damn and dumb!
You have a heart of stone;
You always mind your own.
While me? My heart is bleeding, I'm crying in vain!
You left me so suddenly with so much pain.
I have love you more than anyone else,
And I am just nothing in your heart and even soul.
Where's the love I see before?
Where's the feeling I have feel before?
Where's all the joy, the love and care that I see?
Was it all mere and such an infatuation?
If that's so, I have fooled by you.
You've fooled me and I was such a fool.
I drown into dilution and I didn't know.
How can I be so nothing?
I know now that there's no place for me in your heart
But I was then happy that we left apart.
I think of you a hundred million times a day
Seeing you, even just a glance would make me glee.
This feeling might be mysterious and eerie
But this feeling is much dedicated to thee!
I love you so much dear,
I want you to hear,
That Love is all that matters for you and me
And it's something we can run out
Coz love flows down to your heart and veins
I promise that I'll love you now and then
'till all creatures reach ends.
I've been in love, to a person I know
for the love and affection he show
He was there when I am sad
making me happy and glad
I thought that he was the man
but he turn into sand
When our love started to fade
And I was so afraid
He left me without a single reason
and now i learned a lesson
it's good to be inlove
but when it hurts, it's a lesson from above
'Coz when you feel hurt
when the person you love left you
You can't just dare to let go.
Why Is't so hard?
Why do I love him?
while he dont even knew me
Why do I care so much?
While he doesn't even care?
Why Is't so hard for me to love some one
who dont even like me?
Why is't so hard to accept the truth
that you were not really meant to each other?
Why is't hard to go through pain
when your heart breaks?
why is this so?
why is't hard to believe to the fact
that one must suffer to conquer and heal the scar?
who must i believe in?
why is't so hard to forget all the things
that had happened?
why? I must ask you so...
it's nice to see you day to day
i had a great time chatting with you
the whole day.
You told me stories about everything
and it surprised me coz somehow
we had the same experiences too.
i must be thankful that i met you
coz you became my companion all day long.
and it's really nice to be with you
we laugh together, we cry, we shout
and we even run like crazy.
it's just funny to think again the things that we've done together
i know you're more than a friend
you're more than a best friend neither
i don't think your special
I think your the most special and sentimental value in my life.
it's nice to have coffee with you
watching movies we both like
riding rides at the carnival and taking picture with funny faces after.
it's nice to dance with you at the club
and drink glasses of beer but we never drunk...
there was one time that your day turns gray
one night you call me on the phone and i heard your voice
in the other line, you seemed like crying.
i ran to your house and knock on your door.
I saw crying on the kitchen floor...
I hug you tight and held you in my arms.
I then came to realized that you have secrets you never ever told me.
and it really shocked and break me.
i can't accept it, why do you have to go away?
why is this happening to me? to us?
why does the Lord did it this way?
Isn't he happy for us? Is he mad?
God, help, why do you have to take away my most special one?
we've been through a lot and we knew each other
like for a very long time.
When I knew that you will leave me soon, I spent more hours with you
I even slept beside you and assure that you're okay.
Time came for you have to go and it's just hard for me to let go.
it's hard to go through this pain but I must suffer it...I must!
Now that you're gone, I'm all alone and lonely.
it's so sad that you weren't here...
it's just so sad that I can't spend my whole life with you.
But as long as I live, I will never ever dare to forget you.
I will always remember what you said to me; your words.
i know that you're gone but as long as I live, long live this legacy!
I know that you weren't around after all;
but i do believe that you were here as my ANGEL of my life.
Posted by Giselle at 9:43 PM 0 comments
Touch me once
And you’ll know it’s true
I never had anything like this
You’ll feel it in my kiss…
Posted by Giselle at 9:24 PM 0 comments
This Is For You
The moment I’ve been waiting for
And I would like to share that
Moment with you
Thanks to you who have been there for me
Thanks for the comfort you give to me
And I want to be right beside you
And I want to be always there for you
The moment I’m waiting
Is the moment with you
Leave me on a Sunday night
Take me into the morning light
When you ask me if I love you
I shouted in the sky so blue
I love you more than you know
Moment I’m waiting for
It maybe on a sunny day
In a park view café
Moment I’m waiting for
It maybe on a rainy day
It could be any day
Posted by Giselle at 9:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: love
June 24, 2008
This is the Second day of my third week in college. Things are starting to change; pressure in my major, reality starts to unravel.
Well by the way, I’m almost late in my first subject which is Englisgh 16 section ACG. When I arrived at school, it’s already five minutes before 7:30. I tried to walk fast but I can’t because I’m having a hard time walking. I wore high heels shoes. Grrgh! My classroom was in Commerce Building, third floor, room 306. In the middle of my walk, I heard the first bell rang. So I walk up fast. I ride on the elevator…when I entered the classroom, good thing our teacher was not yet around. Haha! So happy
I had my reporting in RS… ma-remember jud and beadle…and then we had a 45-item quiz. My God, nipasar kaha ko ato nga quiz?.. I really hope so. I don’t want to fail. I want to precede in Accountancy…huhuhu.
I had my lunch at Win2x’s dormitory together with Chatty and Rody. I like it there because it’s so affordable compared at the canteen. We had a small review in accounting.
Accounting…discussion…new lesson napud…quiz about our past lesson. Wa nako kasabot doh, na-unsa naman ko ui…huhu…tabang Lord!
I’m so depressed. I’m afraid I might fail again. I don’t want to fail. My God, please let me pass. Rody, karl, rexter, Ray, Win2x and I attended the mass. YFC mass man diay…hahays… so depressed!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Giselle at 9:10 PM 0 comments
Getting Pressured
Posted by Giselle at 8:50 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
not really...excited!
back to school...and this the fourth day since the school started. This a new chapter of my story of life because I'm already in college. time for joke because this is the preparation for the real world. My parents always told me to be serious in my studies especially that I'm taking up BS Accountancy...I knew this is quite challenging but I take this as a challenge for myself. I have to strive hard and persevere to excel in my studies...
Since ORSEM, I never had the feeling of excitement unlike before when I was still in high school, I am so excited about school even before June. Maybe because college is different from high school and I don't have to compare it...
like and dislike about college as of the moment:
One thing i like about college is that there's enough free time especially if the teacher's not around...
Even so, I don't like it when I stay up for so long in the campus without much thing to do and walking up from building to building. Well, that's college. So, I still need to adjust especially to the people and new environment. I must adapt to changes! hehehe. mao buh? . .
****dugay pa keo among next class****
Posted by Giselle at 1:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: college life
World Number 1
This is it! I am so happy. Ana Ivanovis is now the number one in the Tennis Women's Single. She won as the champion in the Roland Garros 2008 French Open Women's Single against Ms. Safina. This is the third time that she fought for champion and this is her first time to get a Grand Slam Title. As a fan of hers, I hope she will still be a champion in her next game, especially in the upcoming tournament in Wimbledon. I love watching her on TV. I hope that she will beat Serena or Venus Williams or Maria Sharapova. Ivanovic rules!!!
I'm also happy that Nadal won against Federer. This is fourth time that he won the French title.
I'm really surprised to myself because I was never a tennis fan but after watching Ana Ivanovic playing on TV, I become an instant tennis fan...
until the next time.
Posted by Giselle at 1:18 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Ivanovic Rules
in the Roland Garros 2008 Women's single, Ana Ivanovic wins for quarter finals against Cetnovska and just this day, she eneters in the semi-finals against Schyder? not sure with the name of her oponnent. im just so happy that Ana did it. hopefully she will win as the champion. i know it's tough because there are great tennis players out there but i really, really, hope. i hope to see her play against venus or serena williams. the williams sisters were really, really great players.
Posted by Giselle at 4:11 PM 0 comments